A breve i miei lavori in vendita su Muuseum
Giulia Neri
cover for Mind
Giulia Neri
Giulia Neri
cover for Mind
Chocolate packaging
Chocolate packaging
Chocolate packaging
Chocolate packaging
Sometimes you need to let words go
Sometimes you need to let words go
Sometimes you need to let words go
Sometimes you need to let words go
cover for Mind
cover for Mind
cover for Mind
cover for Mind
I confini del corpo sono gli unici limiti della mia vita
I confini del corpo sono gli unici limiti della mia vita
I confini del corpo sono gli unici limiti della mia vita
I confini del corpo sono gli unici limiti della mia vita
the rigth to quit
the rigth to quit
the rigth to quit
the rigth to quit
Spring 1979
Spring 1979
Spring 1979
Spring 1979
The end of the story
The end of the story
The end of the story
The end of the story
What behaviours make us suddenly jealous?
What behaviours make us suddenly jealous?
What behaviours make us suddenly jealous?
What behaviours make us suddenly jealous?
When you believe to be of help and you are just making things worse
When you believe to be of help and you are just making things worse
When you believe to be of help and you are just making things worse
When you believe to be of help and you are just making things worse